9 Does family hide? (7) DOESKIN
Anag. DOES+KIN (family)
10 Southern peninsula, part of Asia (7) SIBERIA
S(outh) + IBERIA
11 Georgia fixed reversed fence openings (5) GATES
GA (Georgia) + Fixed=SET (rev.)
12 Write Dr. Milky (4,1,4) DROP A LINE
13 Love Hellespont swimmer's ornamental shrubs (9) OLEANDER
O(ld) + LEANDER (of "Hero and Leander" who swam across the Hellepont to be with her)
15 Drive train behind rascal (5) IMPEL
EL (the famous Chicago train line) behind IMP (rascal)
17 Maligns cool city containing Iowa State University (7) DEFAMES
DEF (slang for cool) + AMES, Iowa
19 Somehow making wild one go to bed (3,4) LIE DOWN
Anag. of WILD+ONE
20 Myanmar once repelled a medium-sized difficulty (5) BURMA
Rev. of A+M(edium)+RUB (difficulty)
21 Chops stuffed with repulsive food additive and no melons (9) HONEYDEWS
HEWS (chops) around rev. of DYE+NO
24 Panel soon cooked custard pastries (9) NAPOLEONS
26 Throw sticky stuff (5) PITCH
Double def.
27 Trained tenor is coming up (2,5) IN STORE
Anag. of TENOR+IS
28 Opposite Cleopatra's beau in a phone book listing? (7) ANOTONYM
Cleopatra's beau is Mark Antony, so in the phone book he'd be Antony, M.
1 Slowly a soldier gets into trouble (6) ADAGIO
A+GI (soldier) inside ADO
2 Reluctantly accepted shabby test folder (7,3) SETTLED FOR
3 Runners gently touch, back to front (4) SKIS
KISS (gently touch) last letter moved to front for runners (skis)
4 Anxious group of imprisoned Germans (2,4) ON EDGE
5 Support cream soup sale (8) ESPOUSAL
6 Credit card returned in a British cathedral city in an irritating way (10) ABRASIVELY
VISA (credit card) rev. inside A + BR (British) + ELY (cathedral city)
7 Ravi snarled, "it's not faux" (4) VRAI
Anga. RAVI, French for true
8 Publication extension by an explorer (8) MAGELLAN
MAG (publication) + ELL (extension) + AN
14 Mythological beast, nasty large one, shown in advertising sign (6,4) NEMEAN LION
MEAN (nasty) + L(arge) + I (one) inside NEON
16 In favour of trying revolting activity? (10) PROTESTING
PRO (in favour) + TESTING (trying)
17 Elegant young socialite on parade (8) DEBONAIR
DEB (Young solcialite) + ON + AIR (parade)
18 Beer glass preferably filled by child (8) SCHOONER
CH(ild) inside SOONER (preferably)
22 Popular resort saunas refreshed (6) NASSAU
Anag. Saunas
23 Plot beginning to extend below South Carolina border (6) SCHEME
E(xtend) below SC (Sounth Carolina) + HEM (border)
25 Classy leaders seen in pictures of Stephen Harper (4) POSH
Leaders in P(ictures) + O(f) + S(tephen) + H(arper)
26 Cookware quit flipping over (4) POTS
Rev. stop
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