WARNING: Contains spoilers!!
1 Either way, they sang 'Waterloo" (4) ABBA
3 Other guard trained Pope's group (5,5) ROUGH TRADE
Anag. of OTHER+GUARD, Carol Pope’s group
10 English poet imports American film (9) SUSPENSER
US inside SPENSER, a type of suspenseful film
11 Dry kiss by actor McCormack (5) XERIC
X (kiss) + ERIC (McCormack) = dry
12 River current finally carried us (5) INDUS
IN (current) + (carrie)D + US = river
13 Copper TV knob without split (3,2,3) CUT IN TWO
15 Hideous bar wrecked in club (7) MACABRE
Anag. of BAR in MACE (club)
17 Used rubber glove at last in returning freshwater fish (7) RETREAD
(glov)E inside a reversal of DARTER
19 Day-care centre playing reruns at gym (7) NURSERY
Anag. of RERUNS + Y (from YMCA)
21 Record holder chewed pen lids (7) SPINDLE
Anag. of PEN+LIDS
22 Start interminable bit of feedback by chemical engineer (8) COMMENCE
24 Shot ultimately drunk before a wager (5) KAPUT
27 Understood diplomacy circumscribes one (5) TACIT
TACT around I
28 Wrong hesitation before onerous changes (9) ERRONEOUS
ER + anag. of ONEROUS
29 Frisky steed I pass relinquishes control (5.5) STEPS ASIDE
30 Distant Serengeti trek between terminals (4) AFAR
SAFARI between its terminals
1 Attacking ninny with minor malady (10) ASSAILMENT
2 Located stitch in my ear (5) BASED
Homophone of BASTE
4 Small bone out of hand is c1ose(7) OSSICLE
5 Elvis sometimes upset community service club after end of filming (7) GYRATOR
Rev. of ROTARY + (filmin)G
6 Poison canned beef? (5) TOXIN
OX inside TIN
7 War hero redesigned a defence weapon (9) ARROWHEAD
Anag. of WAR+HERO+A+D
8 Every train starts late (4) EACH
9 Discerning some delicatessens I blessed (8) SENSIBLE
14 Reflectively pose again with pastor, lawyer, sponsor (10) ADVERTISER
Reversal of RESIT+REV+DA
16 Automobile nearly grazed oval (9) CARTOUCHE
18 Fixation about family consideration (8) THINKING
THING around KIN
20 New York players go after vocal objection the wrong way (7) YANKEES
Rev. of SEEK + NAY
21 Live in small building, cut off (7) SHEARED
ARE inside SHED
23 Goodness! This doesn't include island folklore (5) MYTHS
MY! + THIS minus I
25 Veteran of geometry assignment (5) PROOF
26 Property of egotistical elevator man (4) OTIS
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
September 26 Globe & Mail Cryptic
WARNING: Contains spoilers!!
1 Initially placed on the throne with child (8) PREGNANT
P(laced) + REGNANT
6 Live wire's heading into valley (5) DWELL
W(ire) inside DELL
10 Like cultured folks, penalized again? (7) REFINED
11 Flag worker behind Quaker (7) PENNANT
PENN (Quaker) + ANT
12 Rehabilitate ruder German engraver (5) DÜRER
13 Addresses accountant wearing some cosmetics (9) LOCATIONS
14 Oppressive approach includes dark brown pigments (10) CUMBERSOME
17 Pair, I understand, returned stringed instrument (4) HARP
PR+AH reversed
20 Outspoken peasant waves (4) SURF
Homophone of SERF
21 Dirt in most endangered Amazon region (4,6) RAIN FOREST
INFO (dirt) inside RAREST
23 Set catalogue here and there (9) COAGULATE
25 A small branch of admin practiced (5) ADEPT
27 Beasts strike, in a retrospective (7) ANIMALS
SLAM+IN+A reversed
28 Rig vote about Hitchcock classic (7) VERTIGO
Anag. of RIG+VOTE
29 Arctic explorer, particularly fruity? (5) PEARY
Cryptic def.
30 Teasing migrant in legend (8) NEEDLING
2 Direct upward or downward (5) REFER
3 IRS agent reconstructed frameworks over railroad tracks (8) GANTRIES
Anag. of IRS+AGENT
4 Also, a large NATO country protects one region in Spain (9) ANDALUSIA
AND+A+L+USA around I
5 Theme for movie (5) TOPIC
6 Present, crossing guard on a tear (6) DONATE
7 Fancy rock at earlobe (9) ELABORATE
8 Drawing us something seen at a pond (5) LOTUS
9 Manufactures fishing pole in purplish colours (8) PRODUCES
ROD inside PUCES
15 Flipped butter atop fish - it is served with a tequila cocktail (9) MARGARITA
RAM (rev.) +GAR+IT+A
16 Even our ma beat engineer (9) MANOUEVRE
18 Little piece of ice, on request (8) PETITION
19 Like some records Van Duyn found on Russian river (8) MONAURAL
MONA (Van Duyn)+URAL (River)
22 Sweet Sunday at Indiana city (6) SUGARY
SU(nday)+GARY (Indiana)
23 Victor, work a bit (5) CHAMP
Double def.
24 Pearson has bad lighting? (5) ARSON
26 Brought up natural spring water (5) EVIAN
NAÏVE (natural) reversed.
1 Initially placed on the throne with child (8) PREGNANT
P(laced) + REGNANT
6 Live wire's heading into valley (5) DWELL
W(ire) inside DELL
10 Like cultured folks, penalized again? (7) REFINED
11 Flag worker behind Quaker (7) PENNANT
PENN (Quaker) + ANT
12 Rehabilitate ruder German engraver (5) DÜRER
13 Addresses accountant wearing some cosmetics (9) LOCATIONS
14 Oppressive approach includes dark brown pigments (10) CUMBERSOME
17 Pair, I understand, returned stringed instrument (4) HARP
PR+AH reversed
20 Outspoken peasant waves (4) SURF
Homophone of SERF
21 Dirt in most endangered Amazon region (4,6) RAIN FOREST
INFO (dirt) inside RAREST
23 Set catalogue here and there (9) COAGULATE
25 A small branch of admin practiced (5) ADEPT
27 Beasts strike, in a retrospective (7) ANIMALS
SLAM+IN+A reversed
28 Rig vote about Hitchcock classic (7) VERTIGO
Anag. of RIG+VOTE
29 Arctic explorer, particularly fruity? (5) PEARY
Cryptic def.
30 Teasing migrant in legend (8) NEEDLING
2 Direct upward or downward (5) REFER
3 IRS agent reconstructed frameworks over railroad tracks (8) GANTRIES
Anag. of IRS+AGENT
4 Also, a large NATO country protects one region in Spain (9) ANDALUSIA
AND+A+L+USA around I
5 Theme for movie (5) TOPIC
6 Present, crossing guard on a tear (6) DONATE
7 Fancy rock at earlobe (9) ELABORATE
8 Drawing us something seen at a pond (5) LOTUS
9 Manufactures fishing pole in purplish colours (8) PRODUCES
ROD inside PUCES
15 Flipped butter atop fish - it is served with a tequila cocktail (9) MARGARITA
RAM (rev.) +GAR+IT+A
16 Even our ma beat engineer (9) MANOUEVRE
18 Little piece of ice, on request (8) PETITION
19 Like some records Van Duyn found on Russian river (8) MONAURAL
MONA (Van Duyn)+URAL (River)
22 Sweet Sunday at Indiana city (6) SUGARY
SU(nday)+GARY (Indiana)
23 Victor, work a bit (5) CHAMP
Double def.
24 Pearson has bad lighting? (5) ARSON
26 Brought up natural spring water (5) EVIAN
NAÏVE (natural) reversed.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
1 Might keep releasing energy, surely (3,7) FOR CERTAIN
FORCE + RETAIN minus E(nergy)
6 Shower used to be hot (4) WASH
WAS + H(ot)
9 Touch-related piece of technology next to concrete (7) TACTUAL
T(echnology) + ACTUAL
10 Cry out, beginning to experience unusual climax (7) EXCLAIM
E(xperience) + anag. of CLIMAX
12 Make better urchin stray (7) IMPROVE
IMP (urchin) + ROVE (stray)
13 Reportedly carries off troubadours' instruments (5) LUTES
Homophone of LOOTS (carries off)
15 Originally, Victoria cuts climbing plants (7) VETCHES
V(ictoria) + ETCHES
17 Chief of Navajos wearing fancy dress (7) GARNISH
N(avajos) wearing GARISH
18 Cut grass surrounding 1/3 of ducklings (7) REDUCED
REED (grass) around 1st 3 letters of DUC-klings
21 Comparatively arrogant spaniel wins, one (7) COCKIER
COCKER around I
23 Up to hunt illegally for a stretch (5) UNTIL
24 Shows its age, moving slowly around back of cave (7) YELLOW
Anag. SLOWLY + (cav)E
27 Process reddens 1945 bombing site (7) DRESDEN
28 He doesn't appreciate where a fire may be lit (7) INGRATE
Cryptic definition
29 Bill perceives sounds (4) NOSE
Homophone of KNOWS
30 In the end, inventory includes most of fur (10) TERMINALLY
TALLY around most of the word ERMIN(e)
1 Female swallowed up Greek cheese (4) FETA
F(emale) + ATE rev.
2 Acknowledgment usher once again heard (7) RECEIPT
Homophone of RESEAT
3 Outfit ultimately tore on barb (5) EQUIP
(tor)E + QUIP
4 Famous model approves fats for candles and soap (7) TALLOWS
Model T + ALLOWS
5 Variety of lettuce provided by Candice Bergen (7) ICEBERG
7 Showy flowers can't fit into sushi's tuna (7) ACANTHI
CANT inside AHI
8 Half of globe is overwhelmed by fibre at this point (10) HEMISPHERE
11 Twisted car coil driven by heat (7) CALORIC
Anag. CAR + COIL
14 Oppress something that may be irregular in our reading room (10) OVERBURDEN
VERB (that may be irreg.) inside OUR + DEN (reading room)
16 Dickens was up front, harassed by the audience (7) HECKLED
HECK (expletive) + LED
19 Bumstead's boss hits red convertible (7) DITHERS
Anag. HITS + RED
20 Senior woman finished going around Japanese capital (7) DOYENNE
DONE around YEN
21 I expressed hesitation after Calvin Coolidge's inaugural element (7) CALCIUM
I + UM after CAL(vin) + C(oolidge)
22 Stalin juggled large load (7) INSTALL
Anag. STALIN + L(arge)
25 Letting loose groan, pipes up in church? (5) ORGAN
26 Count only just missing Bachelor of Arts (4) RELY
1 Might keep releasing energy, surely (3,7) FOR CERTAIN
FORCE + RETAIN minus E(nergy)
6 Shower used to be hot (4) WASH
WAS + H(ot)
9 Touch-related piece of technology next to concrete (7) TACTUAL
T(echnology) + ACTUAL
10 Cry out, beginning to experience unusual climax (7) EXCLAIM
E(xperience) + anag. of CLIMAX
12 Make better urchin stray (7) IMPROVE
IMP (urchin) + ROVE (stray)
13 Reportedly carries off troubadours' instruments (5) LUTES
Homophone of LOOTS (carries off)
15 Originally, Victoria cuts climbing plants (7) VETCHES
V(ictoria) + ETCHES
17 Chief of Navajos wearing fancy dress (7) GARNISH
N(avajos) wearing GARISH
18 Cut grass surrounding 1/3 of ducklings (7) REDUCED
REED (grass) around 1st 3 letters of DUC-klings
21 Comparatively arrogant spaniel wins, one (7) COCKIER
COCKER around I
23 Up to hunt illegally for a stretch (5) UNTIL
24 Shows its age, moving slowly around back of cave (7) YELLOW
Anag. SLOWLY + (cav)E
27 Process reddens 1945 bombing site (7) DRESDEN
28 He doesn't appreciate where a fire may be lit (7) INGRATE
Cryptic definition
29 Bill perceives sounds (4) NOSE
Homophone of KNOWS
30 In the end, inventory includes most of fur (10) TERMINALLY
TALLY around most of the word ERMIN(e)
1 Female swallowed up Greek cheese (4) FETA
F(emale) + ATE rev.
2 Acknowledgment usher once again heard (7) RECEIPT
Homophone of RESEAT
3 Outfit ultimately tore on barb (5) EQUIP
(tor)E + QUIP
4 Famous model approves fats for candles and soap (7) TALLOWS
Model T + ALLOWS
5 Variety of lettuce provided by Candice Bergen (7) ICEBERG
7 Showy flowers can't fit into sushi's tuna (7) ACANTHI
CANT inside AHI
8 Half of globe is overwhelmed by fibre at this point (10) HEMISPHERE
11 Twisted car coil driven by heat (7) CALORIC
Anag. CAR + COIL
14 Oppress something that may be irregular in our reading room (10) OVERBURDEN
VERB (that may be irreg.) inside OUR + DEN (reading room)
16 Dickens was up front, harassed by the audience (7) HECKLED
HECK (expletive) + LED
19 Bumstead's boss hits red convertible (7) DITHERS
Anag. HITS + RED
20 Senior woman finished going around Japanese capital (7) DOYENNE
DONE around YEN
21 I expressed hesitation after Calvin Coolidge's inaugural element (7) CALCIUM
I + UM after CAL(vin) + C(oolidge)
22 Stalin juggled large load (7) INSTALL
Anag. STALIN + L(arge)
25 Letting loose groan, pipes up in church? (5) ORGAN
26 Count only just missing Bachelor of Arts (4) RELY
Saturday, August 29, 2009
August 29th Puzzle
1 Guest speaker's scuttlebutt (6) ROOMER
Homophone of RUMOUR
4 Expecting parliament's first ruling (8) PREGNANT
P(arliament) + REGNANT (ruling)
9 Takes out sticky fruit (5) DATES
Double Def.
10 Lawyer returned letter opener in trade (9) BARRISTER
SIR rev. inside TRADE
11 Ogled Der Alte swimming around end of June (6,2) LEERED AT
12 A survey covering startup of Hudson School in art history (6) ASHCAN
A SCAN around H(istory)
14 Require massage of the ears? (4) NEED
Homophone of KNEAD
15 Gets nosy about display area in western Canada (8) PRAIRIES
PRIES around AIR (display)
19 Villa in old city ready to get under way (2-6) UP ANCHOR
PANCHO (Villa) inside old city of UR
20 Drag racer uses mausoleum site in India (4) AGRA
23 Have a nibble outside one Bavarian city (6) MUNICH
MUNCH around 1
25 Needle-dropper composed emergency treatment (5,3) FIRST AID
FIRS (drop their needles) + STAID (composed)
27 Frantic padres tee off (9) DESPERATE
28 Attempt to clear wine cellar (5) VAULT
Double def.
29 Heard you'll even break during December (8) YULETIDE
Homophone of YOU'LL TIED
30 Sounds like rescues stop (6) FREEZE
Homphone of FREES
1 Fragrant European river rising fast (8) REDOLENT
ODER river rev. + LENT (a fast)
2 Nearly recovering shelled nut for dinner (2,3,4) ON THE MENU
ON THE MEN(-D) + inside of nUt
3 Europe's first flower festival (6) EASTER
E(urope) + ASTER flower
5 Bloody remarkable (4) RARE
Double def.
6 Denied winnings and support (8) GAINSAID
GAINS (winnings) + AID (support)
7 Ludicrous protestor beginning to cry (5) ANTIC
ANTI (protector) + C(ry) [not sure ANTIC=ludicrous, ludicrous behaviour maybe]
8 Despot in city ran Teamsters (6) TYRANT
10 Snake bit oarsmen in competition (4,4) BOAT RACE
BOA + TRACE (a bit)
13 Candy coil unravelled on variety of pudding (8) LICORICE
Anag. COIL + RICE pudding
16 Distinguishing rising soldier's character (9) SIGNATURE
G.I.s rev. + NATURE
17 Fund bridges in western territory (3,5) WAR CHEST
ARCHES inside W(estern) T(erritory)
18 Aquatic mammal holds down person given orders (8) MANDATEES
MANATEES around D(own)
21 Filthy weird guy's MD (6) SMUDGY
22 Invariably a partition (2,4) AS EVER
24 Rocket launchers atop large rhino? (5) NASAL
N.A.S.A. + L(arge), perpaining to the nose, rhino
26 Musical group not allowed in the auditorium (4) BAND
Homophone of BANNED
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Today's Puzzle


9 Does family hide? (7) DOESKIN
Anag. DOES+KIN (family)
10 Southern peninsula, part of Asia (7) SIBERIA
S(outh) + IBERIA
11 Georgia fixed reversed fence openings (5) GATES
GA (Georgia) + Fixed=SET (rev.)
12 Write Dr. Milky (4,1,4) DROP A LINE
13 Love Hellespont swimmer's ornamental shrubs (9) OLEANDER
O(ld) + LEANDER (of "Hero and Leander" who swam across the Hellepont to be with her)
15 Drive train behind rascal (5) IMPEL
EL (the famous Chicago train line) behind IMP (rascal)
17 Maligns cool city containing Iowa State University (7) DEFAMES
DEF (slang for cool) + AMES, Iowa
19 Somehow making wild one go to bed (3,4) LIE DOWN
Anag. of WILD+ONE
20 Myanmar once repelled a medium-sized difficulty (5) BURMA
Rev. of A+M(edium)+RUB (difficulty)
21 Chops stuffed with repulsive food additive and no melons (9) HONEYDEWS
HEWS (chops) around rev. of DYE+NO
24 Panel soon cooked custard pastries (9) NAPOLEONS
26 Throw sticky stuff (5) PITCH
Double def.
27 Trained tenor is coming up (2,5) IN STORE
Anag. of TENOR+IS
28 Opposite Cleopatra's beau in a phone book listing? (7) ANOTONYM
Cleopatra's beau is Mark Antony, so in the phone book he'd be Antony, M.
1 Slowly a soldier gets into trouble (6) ADAGIO
A+GI (soldier) inside ADO
2 Reluctantly accepted shabby test folder (7,3) SETTLED FOR
3 Runners gently touch, back to front (4) SKIS
KISS (gently touch) last letter moved to front for runners (skis)
4 Anxious group of imprisoned Germans (2,4) ON EDGE
5 Support cream soup sale (8) ESPOUSAL
6 Credit card returned in a British cathedral city in an irritating way (10) ABRASIVELY
VISA (credit card) rev. inside A + BR (British) + ELY (cathedral city)
7 Ravi snarled, "it's not faux" (4) VRAI
Anga. RAVI, French for true
8 Publication extension by an explorer (8) MAGELLAN
MAG (publication) + ELL (extension) + AN
14 Mythological beast, nasty large one, shown in advertising sign (6,4) NEMEAN LION
MEAN (nasty) + L(arge) + I (one) inside NEON
16 In favour of trying revolting activity? (10) PROTESTING
PRO (in favour) + TESTING (trying)
17 Elegant young socialite on parade (8) DEBONAIR
DEB (Young solcialite) + ON + AIR (parade)
18 Beer glass preferably filled by child (8) SCHOONER
CH(ild) inside SOONER (preferably)
22 Popular resort saunas refreshed (6) NASSAU
Anag. Saunas
23 Plot beginning to extend below South Carolina border (6) SCHEME
E(xtend) below SC (Sounth Carolina) + HEM (border)
25 Classy leaders seen in pictures of Stephen Harper (4) POSH
Leaders in P(ictures) + O(f) + S(tephen) + H(arper)
26 Cookware quit flipping over (4) POTS
Rev. stop
Saturday, August 15, 2009

WARNING: Contains spoilers!! 

1 Only fish in the sea (4) SOLE
double def.
3 Tell about fool speaking in an explosive way (10) SPUTTERING
SING (tell) around PUTTER (fool around/dawdle)
9 Slice of lemon beside impure liquid stirred less (7) LUMPIER
L(emon)-slice of word lemon + anag. Impure
11 Brass instrument behind in Asian festival (7) TRUMPET
RUMP (behind) inside TET (Asian festival)
12 Clotheshorse acquires alluring automobile accessory (3,4) FOG LAMP
FOP (clotheshorse) around GLAM (alluring)
13 Partly blame dear Jason's wife (5) MEDEA
15 Debate topic is Johnny's boy (5) ISSUE
IS + SUE (allusion to Johnny Cash’s A Boy Named Sue)
16 Devil has hurt one guy who stopped to help (9) SAMARITAN
SATAN (devil) + MAR (hurt) + I (one)
18 Extremely conservative doctor behind duo (9) HIDEBOUND
21 Never announced expertise (5) NOHOW
Homophone of know-how
23 Sort of palm scarab, by the sound of it (5) BETEL
Homophone of Beetle
25 Short opera piece "a treat" I snarled (7) ARIETTA
Anag. of A+TREAT+I
27 Peg recalled about core nickname (7) EPITHET
TIE (rev.) around PITH (core)
28 Girl Scout emblem reference found in work (7) TREFOIL
TOIL (work) around REF(erence)
29 Where to see lions drink, keeping at a distance at
sanctuary (6,4) SAFARI PARK
SIP (drink) around AFAR (at a dist.) + ARK (sanctuary)
30 Version of poker, boss (4) STUD
Double def.
1 Crazy fool interrupts petty 1927 aviation feat (4,6) SOLO FLIGHT
Anag of FOOL inside SLIGHT (petty)
2 French ceramics turn up among fruit trees (7) LIMOGES
GO (turn rev.) inside LIMES (fruit trees)
4 In French city, father raised us together (4,5) PARI PASSU
PARIS (French City) around [PA (father) +US rev.)]
5 Carry male symbol (5) TOTEM
TOTE (carry) + M(ale)
6 Gold turned up in strange decor somewhere in South America (7) ECUADOR
AU (gold rev.) inside anag. of DECOR
7 Fix bug after brat left (7) IMPLANT
ANT (bug) after IMP (brat) + L(eft)
8 Teutonic invader became husband (4) GOTH
GOT (became) + H(usband)
10 I'm a General Electric icon (5) IMAGE
14 Askew and Boswell grew (10) SNOWBALLED
17 Concern about a date with hot party host (3,6) MAD HATTER
MATTER (concern) around A+D(ate)+H(ot)
19 Fed up about cheese interview (7) DEBRIEF
FED (rev.) around BRIE (cheese)
20 Meat seller having a more masculine appearance (7) BUTCHER
Double def.
21 Easily duped Perrier rival from the south (5) NAÏVE
Reversal of EVIAN
22 Have a good laugh about frequently withdrawn prank (7) HOTFOOT
HOOT (good laugh) around OFT (rev.)
24 Illuminated tulip adapted (3,2) LIT UP
26 Heard twit brewed beverages (4) TEAS
Homophone of TEASE

Cryptic Crossword,
Fraser Simpson,
Globe and Mail
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